Buitenplaats Holten - Verhuur
Wereldtijdpad in Rijssen en Holten

The World time path with Buitenplaats Holten as starting point

Would you like to take a long walk and at the same time discover the area? Then follow the world time path. This is a walking route between Rijssen and Holten with a total of 50 kilometers. You walk through time, as it were, and you can choose from 9 different themes, each with its own route of 4 to 10 kilometers. Choose a theme that interests you and will find an annual post with information about the relevant year every 25 meters. This info is on a cube and is divided into 4 texts, namely: the history of the world, Europe, the Netherlands and Overijssel. These are often fun facts in short and concise texts. In addition, there are also large signs along the route with extensive information.

A special walking route, where you will not only discover nature, but also the history around this location. It is fun for both young and old and also very educational and interesting!